Stage 1

During Stage 1, the claimant representative or the unrepresented claimant (Litigant in Person) need to complete the Claim Notification form and submit to the insurer/compensator.  Details can be found in the section below.

Before the time limit specified in the Pre-action protocol is reached, the insurer/compensator need to submit a response.  The section below describes the various outcomes.

Stage 2.1

In some circumstances, the Pre-action protocol(s) allow the claimant rep/Litigant in person to submit a request for an interim payment.  The links below provide guidance on how to complete a request and how to deal with the response.

Stage 2

Stage 2 starts when the claimant rep/Litigant in person submits a Stage 2 Settlement Pack.  The pack includes detailed information about the claim (value and category of loss).  The section below gives guidance on how to complete the form:

When the pack is submitted, the time limits detailed in the Pre-action protocol(s) apply.  When a response from the insurer/compensator has been received, you need to follow the time limits.  The section below describes the process of counter-offers and negotiations.

If no agreement has been reached at the end of the negotiations, or if the claimant is a minor, the RTA process allows for the submission of Additional damages.  Details can be found below.

Stage 3

Where no agreement has been reached, or the claimant is a minor, the claimant rep/Litigant in person need to complete a Court proceedings pack request.  Details can be found below together with information on how to deal with the response.

End of process

Once a claim has reached the end of the process, the claim will be removed from the system after a number of days.  Please see the section regarding Data Retention.  Once deleted, only claims that reached the stage where a Court Proceedings Pack has been completed will remain in the archive, accessible for authorised users via the Admin console, using the Search Archived Claims User profile.


Claim Types