When completing a CNF, it is important to provide as much information as possible in the relevant fields. The details below provide assistance on where to look for guidance on adding these details.


Desired input format

Guidance is shown on the desired input format for Web Users to provide details required as part of the claim, for example on National Insurance numbers, date and time and postcode. See below:

National Insurance Number

Enter time of accident


Adding your organisation contact details.

When completing the CNF, company contact details are automatically pre-filled to display the organisation name and address. This is editable and can be changed to show your branch address by clicking the 'Prefill with branch details button'. (shown below).

Adding your organisations contact details

With either option, you will need to manually complete the Contact Name, Surname and Reference Number fields.


Referral source (RTA only)

From Release 6 - When completing a CNF for RTA, you will need to complete the Referral source by selecting one of the options available in the drop-down list. See below:

Referral source information

Top tip: The Referral source will not be printed on the PDFs, and it is not disclosed to the Compensator.

Some options will require additional details. For example, the option 'Regulated CMC' requires the completion of the CMC Name and Authorisation number:

Referral source information

The CMC Authorisation number can be found by using the search facility available on



Selecting an Insurer/Compensator

To select the Compensator / Insurer you want to send the claim to, use the 'Select Compensator / Insurer' function on the Claim and Claimants' details tab.

On EL/PL and ELD CNFs, the icon will be as shown below.

Top Tip: Please ensure you check and select the correct Insurer / Compensator relating to your claim before submitting it, as once submitted, this action cannot be changed, and you will need to complete a new claim if sent to an incorrect Insurer / Compensator.

Select insurer

For RTA it will say 'Select Insurer'.

Top Tip: Please be aware that the search once performed doesn't appear in alphabetical order. Instead, it will include the first 50 Insurer / Compensator names which contain the original search term. For example, enter ALL to find the entries relating to ALLIANZ.

Once the correct Compensator is located, click the button Select Insurer.

Top Tip: For RTA claims, if you select MIB as the insurer Type, the Selected Insurer Name field is automatically set to MIB, with no need of any additional search.

If in doubt, please make enquiries with the defendant to ensure you select the correct Compensator.


Adding a Hospital

Adding a hosptial

Found on Tab Two: Medical Details.

In order for the 'Add hospital' tab to be added, you need to select Yes if the Claimant attended hospital as a result of their injury.

You can then select/add up to four hospitals. If you select NHS hospitals, you can search through a list using the name and the postcode. For private hospitals, you need to provide the full address.



AskCUE PI (personal injury) is an enquiry service which allows approved organisations to check records held on the CUE PI database before they submit a claim covered by the Ministry of Justice's RTA Protocol through the Claims Portal.Paragraph 4.7(2) of the RTA Protocol statesthat the AskCUE PI enquiry search reference number must be populated into RTA CNFs submitted on or after the 1 June 2015.

For RTA claims the AskCUE PI reference number is mandatory. The field will only accept numbers.


Compensators will verify the reference number using the Insurer Check Service and may reject the claim if the AskCUE PI reference number is not valid.


Saving, printing or sending a claim