The Claimant Representative may ask for an interim payment.  Please see the relevant protocols where this is permitted.

The Portal allows for more than one Interim Payment request.  You need to respond to any subsequent requests in the same manner as for the first one.

The Portal refers to this stage as 2.1.

In order to respond to an Interim Settlement pack request, you need to open the claim in the application status of Interim Payment decision.


Rejecting an Interim Payment request

You can reject an Interim Settlement pack.  Please refer to the relevant protocol for when this is permitted.

Click the button ‘Reject Interim Settlement Pack’ and add a comment to explain the reason for the rejection.

The claim will be sent back to the Claimant Representative, who can create a new Interim Payment request, or to skip the Interim Stage and proceed to Stage 2.2 to create a Stage 2 Settlement Pack.


Responding to an Interim Payment request

On the Claimant’s and Defendant’s representatives tab

    • Check and, if necessary, change the defendant’s representative’s details;
    • From Release 5enter the CRU Reference number (g. ABC123), (three alphabetical characters followed by three numerical digits), if it is known, or enter an explanation if it is not known
    • Press the ‘Continue’ button
  • On the following tab, for each loss type where an interim payment is pursued, enter your response. Press the ‘Calculate’
  • Enter any CRU deductions

Top Tip: The total values and loss amounts are also calculated when the Continue button is clicked. 

Once you have completed the Interim Payment form, press 'Send' to submit the response back to the Claimant Representative. 

The Interim Settlement Pack printable document will be updated. 

Top Tip: Ensure you download, save / print off a copy of the latest version.


Agreeing a Partial Interim Payment 

If you have responded to an Interim Payment request with a partial offer, the Claimant Representative has to make a decision whether to accept the offer or not.  This decision is then sent back to you and you must respond by taking the following steps: 

  • Open the claim in the Application status of Decision for partial Interim Payment;
  • Review the decision regarding the partial payment and click the ‘Continue’The claim is returned to Claimant Representative.

Top Tip: If the Claimant Representative has not accepted the partial offer, you must make the mandatory payment according to the protocol.  The claim will then leave the portal.


Interim payment decision timeout

There are specific timeframes within which a decision needs to be made. These are stated in the Protocols.  When a time limit has been exceeded, it is described as a Timeout in the portal.  

If you have not responded to an Interim Payment request according to the time limits defined in the protocol, the Claimant representative may take the claim out of the portal, continue to the Stage 2 or ask for another Interim payment.


Extend time for CRU – Interim payment decision

You may extend the timeframe needed to respond to an Interim Payment request of more than £1,000.

Top Tip: This timeout can be extended only once for each Interim Settlement pack request.  It is a fixed value of 30 business days starting from the day after the Interim Settlement pack request was sent by the Claimant Representative.

If multiple Interim payments are requested, the Extend time for CRU is available for each of the subsequent requests, as the total value of the requests will exceed £1,000.

In order to extend the time, you should:

  • Press the Extend Time for CRU button;
  • Note the dates displayed;
  • Press Extend button.

Both the Compensator and the Claimant Representative will get a notification about the timeout extension.

Please note that the new date is the day the claim will time out.