Claims Portal User Agreements

The Claims Portal User Agreements set out what is considered acceptable use of the Portal.

Organisations must be familiar with the expectations set out in the User Agreements and take the time to understand the limitations that all Users and software houses must abide

As part of Release 6, Claims Portal has updated the authorised User agreement.

Combined Portal User Agreement 14 Sept 2018

How do I accept the authorised User agreement?

Accepting the User Agreement is very easy and straightforward but can only be completed by Administrators. If you are a claims handler, you should contact your organisation’s Administrator in the first instance, as only an Administrator can accept the agreement. If you are an Administrator, you should log into the Portal using your Administrator credentials.

On logging in, you will be presented with the User Agreement – tick the box to confirm you have read the details and click ‘I Accept’ to accept the User Agreement.

When an Administrator logs into the admin console, they will be prompted to read and agree to the new terms and conditions of the User Agreement on behalf of your organisation.

I can’t access the Claims Portal, because my organisation hasn’t accepted the authorised User Agreement. What do I do now?

If you are a claims handler, you should contact your organisation’s Administrator in the first instance, as they are the only people that can accept the User Agreement.

If you are an Administrator, you should log in using your Administrator credentials and accept the User Agreement. Once accepted, your organisation will regain full immediate access to the Claims Portal. There is no need to contact the helpdesk.

I’m an Administrator, but I can’t log in to accept the User Agreement. What do I do?

If you haven’t used your Administrator credentials for 90 days or more, they will have been disabled. You can reset your password using the link in the ‘Log in’ section.

The User Interface Development Agreement is for Software Houses.

User Interface Development Agreement

I represent a Software House. Do I need to accept the User Agreement?

Software Houses are not required to ‘click to accept’ the User Agreement. We will contact software houses separately to confirm the acceptance process for the User Interface Development Agreement (UIDA).


We have created a Simplified User Agreement for you to review and share with your team. This is to assist with compliance of Claims Portal Use and with a continued focus on information security, protecting yourself and your clients.