A2A users only - Important update on the use of A2A Test/Integration Site


Claims Portal will be introducing a token to A2A messaging. The token will apply an additional layer of security to verify the identity of the user and a change password function has been included. Technical Specifications have been released and users can test their system updates for A2A Token on the test/integration site until  7th February 2023.  A2A Token will be deployed in Live on 24th January 2023, in addition there is a two week parallel running opportunity.


The test site is available for A2A users to test the development and changes to their API. It is not designed to handle high call volumes or performance testing.


If you use automated testing software you must ensure that the volume is kept to the minimum required to validate that your application is working correctly.  


You must not submit the same call more times than is necessary to complete your tests. You must review the results and conduct further testing, if required.


Once your testing is completed you must stop the automated testing tool and ensure that you are no longer connected to the site.


Claims Portal monitor the usage of the site and will disable your credentials if we believe that your testing is not compliant with these A2A specification and instructions.


We are performing stress testing to ensure that the performance of the production site is not impacted by the a2a token changes.


We are performing stress testing to ensure that the performance of the production site is not impacted by the a2a token changes.