The role of the Administrator is to ensure that all Users in your organisation have continued Portal access, but more importantly to make sure that all Users have their own access and do not share login details.

Individual Identification Details must not be shared with other users of the organisation. In accordance with the User Agreement each user must have their own log in details.  

The Claims Portal User Agreement. Section 2.28 states:

2.28 You must ensure that all your Individual Users familiarise themselves with the contents

of these General Conditions of Use and are trained on the use of the Portal as per the

CPL Website and in particular:

(a) that each Individual User is provided with individual Identification Details which

the user is not under any circumstances save as provided under Condition

2.21(d) above permitted to disclose to or share with any other individual including

any other user;

(b) That Your system administrator will set passwords for Individual Users at

appropriate levels of security and when required will re-set passwords for

Individual Users;

(c) That Your system administrator will set appropriate expiry dates for Individual

Users, keep the expiry dates under review and adjust as necessary;

(d) That you will ensure that CPL is provided with a valid email address for at least

one system administrator and in the event of a change of system administrator or

a change of the system administrator’s email address CPL will be notified to

ensure that CPL at all times holds up-to-date contact details for a system


(e) That the user credentials of any Individual User who ceases to be authorised by the

Authorised User to use the system or ceases to be employed by the Authorised

User are disabled immediately upon authority of the Authorised User being

withdrawn or on the termination of employment of the Individual User; and 

(f) That You conduct regular reviews at a minimum of one review every three

(3) months of the requirements for each Individual User to use the system (the

"Quarterly Reviews") and that the credentials of any Individual User who no longer

requires access are immediately disabled, in any event no later than two (2) working

days after completion of the Quarterly Reviews.

As a User of the Claims Portal please take the time to read and familiarise yourself with the User Agreement. If members of staff within your organisation are found to be sharing login details Claims Portal are within rights to suspend access to the account.  


Tim Wallis
Chair, Claims Portal Ltd