As you will know from our first communication on Release 6, GDPR forms part of the system updates being progressed.

We are aware that Users are making their own preparations in readiness for GDPR. To provide clarity to Users we’ve detailed below some of the activities which Claims Portal (CPL) is undertaking to prepare for and implement the new legislation:

  • To demonstrate CPL’s accountability and governance, CPL have reviewed and documented policies, procedures and governance measures currently in place.
  • CPL have appointed a Data Protection Officer.  
  • Work has commenced to review CPL’s risk register to ensure all outstanding actions for GDPR are captured and will be monitored at Board level.
  • GDPR training provided for the Portal team and Board members.
  • Identification and drafting of new policies and procedures.
  • Work has commenced on the changes required on the User Agreement.

Further updates will be shared as progress continues. In the meantime if there are any GDPR specific questions please contact


Tim Wallis
Chair, Claims Portal LtdÂ