During the morning of Thursday 29 June 2017, we will be deploying a new validation control to the CRU reference number field.

No action is required by A2A users who will not be impacted by this change.

The validation will consist of three alphabetic characters followed by three numerical digits (e.g. ABC123). The maximum field length will be six characters.

This small change has been implemented to improve data accuracy and will impact ‘web user’ compensators specifically in the phases “Interim Settlement Pack Response” and “Stage 2 Settlement Response”.

If an incorrect CRU reference number format is entered, users will be unable to proceed. For existing claims with an incorrectly formatted CRU reference number, you will be prompted to correctly validate the field next time you access the claim.

For further assistance please contact helpdesk@rapidclaimsettlement.org.uk

Further information on the Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU) can be found at- https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/cru 

Further information on CRU formatting can be found at - https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/.../cru-bulletin-02-13.pdf


Tim Wallis
Chairman, Claims Portal Ltd