Claims Portal Upgrades

We are currently working with our IT partner, CRIF, on an upgrade to the Claims Portal platform, which will involve moving the Portal to a Cloud-based hosting solution.  For web users there will be improvements to the look, feel and functionality of the web interface.

For A2A users the improvements will include the provision of a Developer Portal and the release of a modern version of the A2A interface. The new interface will be available shortly after the migration to the new platform, but will initially run in parallel with the existing interface to allow sufficient time for A2A users to make the necessary changes (up to Q2 2025).

These changes are planned for go-live in Q2 2024, and more details will follow.

We will also be improving the customer experience on the Claims Portal website, adding additional functionality and bringing the look and feel in line with the planned upgrades to the Claims Portal.

We are exploring the possibility of giving Portal users improved connectivity with other services.  We will keep users advised on progress with this project.

Please contact us if you are willing to assist with our user acceptance testing over the coming months.

Claims Portal Funding

Within the next 12 months we will be implementing funding changes.  Whilst insurers initially paid in full for the build and running of the Portal, it was intended from the outset that we would move to a model under which claimant representatives would contribute to the cost. 

We will be introducing this by way of an annual licence fee, based on volume usage.  We will also be charging software houses who carry out development involving use of the Portal a licence fee.  More details of the licence fee structure, and pricing, will follow.

To enable us to ensure that we can communicate with all users about these changes and keep you fully informed, we would ask that:

  1. You ensure that we have current email addresses for your admin users in the Portal;
  2. You provide us with email contact details for the appropriate person or department within your organisation who will deal with invoices in respect of Claims Portal licence fees.  Please send details to :

We would also ask that any organisations registered as Portal users who are no longer actively using the Claims Portal contact us to let us know, so that unused Portal accounts can be closed.  Please contact us at


Phil Dicken
Claims Portal Ltd, Chair