The Administration console provides access to web-only functions available to Administrators.  It also provides access to some functions that are restricted to authorised users.

To access the Administration console, you need to have one or more of the following profiles assigned to you:

  • CR Administrator
  • COMP Administrator
  • ADVANCED USER Delete Claims
  • Search Archived Claims User

To access the Administration console, you need to change the Section on the Login page to Administration as shown below:

The menu bar for the Administration console is shown below:

admin bar

The options available on the Administration console depend on which other roles are assigned to you:

home bar

Press the 'Home' button to return to the start page.

user button

If you are an Administrator, the 'User' option will appear, which will give you access to the User maintenance functions.  See the User section for more information.

Delete button

The 'Delete' button is available if your profile is set up to include the Delete claim function.  See User guide for deletion of claims.

Archive Search

'Archive Search' is available to users that has been set up to allow access to view Archived claims.  See Search archived claims.

Go to Claims Portal

If your profile includes one of the Claims profiles, you can switch to the Claims Portal without logging out.

My Settings button

If you are an Administrator, 'My Settings' allows you to maintain some of the details of your own profile.  See the My Settings section for more information.

My Org button

If you are an Administrator, this option allows you to view and edit some of the details for your organisations.  See the My Organisation section for more details.

My User

This shows your User ID.

Exit button

To log out of the Administration Console, press 'Exit'.

Create and manage Portal Users